

Upon completion and deliverance of two presentations last week, I have decided it is possible to have social anxiety while simultaneously being a talented presenter. Perhaps it is the "teacher" in me.

I have one written final and a final review for studio this week. I need to edit and mail a fellowship application. I should probably work to finish She before I break for semester; it would be nice for another project to be on my application.

Instead of working, I read Gone Girl and will spend the free spaces in my mind analyzing it.


Final critique over; final research paper turned in; yet for Thanksgiving. I have been asleep since Mercury went into retrograde, finally waking to Taylor Swifts' "Blank Space" this morning. 

Funny how one professor can move me from a complete sprint to sitting in two months. I began the semester telling myself I am taller than I think. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that I have a choice. I am no longer pushed on, my reaction as the chess move; instead, I am on the fold imminent. I know I can lead while in motion and not wait for an invitation.